
Thank you for working through the CAT Facilitator induction. To become an approved RRKAC CAT facilitator, please confirm that you have read and understand the following:
1. The RRK strategic vision is to work together as a community to address four areas. The first three strategic vision areas are 1. Establish a solid foundation towards independence 2. Community wellbeing 3. Cultural Identity. What is the fourth area?
2. After reviewing the CAT Panel Introduction, the main recipients of the CAT Classroom training will be all stakeholder operational staff and contractors. Which recipient will benefit the most from the information and traditional knowledge in the class?
3. Who are the main recipients that will undertake Cultural Immersion On Country Training?
4. What are some of the components involved with delivering successful CAT training?
5. What does the RRKAC Staff Handbook detail and describe?
6. The Rio Pilbara Rail Access roads is a live worksite and it runs alongside the Rio railway network which is the largest private rail network in the world. You must have a valid 3 month permit otherwise you are trespassing. The roads are hazardous and can be dangerous. Why is important to complete the Rio Rail Access Road training and receive a Permit?
7. Are you interested to become a Robe River Services CAT facilitator? Can you commit to a minimum delivery of at least 2 CAT classroom sessions every 3 months? Finally, if asked are you also able to attend a facilitator of CAT Cultural Immersion on Country Day?

Please note: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices or names of deceased persons in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material.